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Category Archives: Design

The Best Camera Straps for Leica

What's The Best Camera Strap for Leica Cameras?

At Hawkesmill HQ we’re often asked what the best camera straps for Leica are. In fact, we’re often asked what the best camera straps are for many camera brands, but with Leica users, we get that question a lot more. And for good reason. Leica users are very particular about their cameras and gear. So […]

Why We Shoot Film Cameras


We make camera straps and camera bags. So who really cares what we shoot with? We’re a company. Not a photographer. Well, yes and no. Hawkesmill was founded by photographers, for photographers. Every one here has put in the time as professional photographers. We’ve made our living from shooting and doing nothing else. Why we […]

Choosing Leather 101: To Make the Best Camera Straps

Horween Leather Camera Strap Handmade in England

Choosing the best leather for our camera straps Over the past few years we have garnered a reputation for making some of the finest leather camera straps in the world. The reviews we’ve had honour us, and we are constantly striving to improve on our leather camera straps, even in the smallest of ways. But […]

Designing Stylish Camera Bags | Why Do It?


Designing stylish camera bags Why choose to design stylish camera bags?There are a lot of things to think about when designing a camera bag. For instance: the weight, how easy it is to get in and out of the bag, how waterproof it is, deciding what camera and lens combinations the bag is designed for, […]

Developing our camera messenger bags

Creating our camera messenger bags The following was written to document the complete and total creation of our camera messenger bags. At Hawkesmill we try to be as transparent as possible. And this is one way that we can help not only our customers learn more about who we are and how we began, but […]